
Sabina Kraushaar -

Partner, Petrophysicist, Structural Geologist

Sabina Kraushaar is a geoscientist with expertise mapping the subsurface geology utilizing Petra software.  As a member of Four Corners Helium, Ms. Kraushaar manages a database with over 100,000 wells, 17,000 geologic tops and over 10,000 digital logs. Ms. Kraushaar has helped prioritize area of interest in Utah and Colorado by mapping the structure, thickness, net porosity and net pay in the geologic zones of interest.

Prior to joining Four Corners Helium, Ms. Kraushaar was part of a private equity company who owned and operated 20,000 net acres in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico.  Ms. Kraushaar was part of a two-person geology team who proved oil reserves by doing detailed petrophysics, geologic mapping and drilling three horizontal wells. Ms. Kraushaar utilized mass spectrometry in addition to traditional logs to choose the landing zone of the horizontal wells in the Mancos shale. Ms. Kraushaar has also consulted on numerous oil and gas projects throughout the Four Corners, south Louisiana and Mexico.

In 2011 Ms. Kraushaar received her B.S. degree in Geology from Fort Lewis College, and her Master's degree in Geology from the University of Nevada, Reno, in 2014.  Her Master's thesis project incorporated geologic field mapping and geophysics in order to assess the structural controls of a geothermal prospect in Nevada.

Ms. Kraushaar is a volunteer on the following boards: 2019 President of the Four Corners Geological Society, Co-Founder and Team Director of High Desert Devo youth cycling team in Montezuma County. Ms. Kraushaar is also a faculty member at East Carolina University’s geology field camp each summer (since 2014).

For a complete list of Ms. Kraushaar’s publications and qualifications, please visit her website at